I have one litter of 2 beautiful little Shorty girls born December 18, 2024. I am expecting to have two long leg litter January 31st to February 10, 2025. Please feel free to call or text me at (806) 535-2964 if you are interested.
- Bullet 12 3/4 inches tall, tri-color, smooth coat
Bullet is registered with JRTCA and have awesome pedigrees with champion bloodline as well as being very smart, lovable, athletic and having great temperament. Please feel free to call me any time at (806) 535-2964, or email me at tinaartho@gmail.com if you have any questions or would like to have a reference on previous puppies. I use Lamar Veterinary Clinic in Paris Texas (903) 784-4391 for all my Jacks and puppy needs.
You can reserve a puppy with a $200 deposit. Please feel free to contact me by phone or email if you have any questions or just want to talk about Jack Russell Terriers. 806-535-2964
My puppies are all checked at Lamar Veterinary Clinic (903) 784-4391 in Paris Texas where they get examined, have their tails docked, and dewclaws removed. I start their wormer at 2 week of age and continue given every 2 weeks until they have their first set of shots, and then it’s every month with their puppy shots. If placed I will take them to the vet at the age of 7 weeks for their well check and first puppy vaccine. After the first vaccine they are kept current as long as they are with me. Also all my Mama’s are taking NuVet Plus and I start all my puppies on it when they begin the weaning process. The NuVet Plus is a great product, and I highly recommend my puppy parents keep them on the product, but it is not required in any way because I feel that is a decision to be made by the new puppy parents. “Click Here” to read about NuVet Plus and to place an order. When placing the order you will need my code 76090. This product is not sold in stores and can only be purchased directly from the manufacturer with the code, or from a Veterinary Clinic that carries the product. I am an individual owner, and all our babies are raised in our dog barn which is a part of our home with us. My Jacks are registrable unless told otherwise and have awesome pedigrees. I love spending time with all my JRT at home, and on the farm. I also love helping raise this wonderful little breed with big personalities that I myself was raised with all my life. It is so rewarding to me watching them grow and go to off to their great forever homes.
My little ones are also well socialized with our grandchildren when they visit and all day with us. When they are old enough they play with all my age appropriate Jacks. My puppies will use a litter box, and also know how to use a doggie door. At the age of 6 weeks I will start working on a few commands such as “sit and come”. They are so smart and learn very fast!
I prefer to have the puppy paid for by 6 weeks of age, some Personal Checks are accepted (with a waiting period), along with PayPal, Venmo, Zelle and Cash. Puppies will remain in our home until completely paid for. Pet Transport is welcomed, and I know a gentleman that I can recommend if needed, and a Flight Nanny as well. I will work with you and the transporter and do what is needed of me to ensure a smooth safe departure and arrival. I will provide a blanket that has mom’s and siblings scents with a little lavender oil to help them on their journey home along with a chew toy, and a bag with everything that they will need along with their paperwork.
I am proud to be a member of the JRTCA and EJRTCA
For more information call Tina Artho at (806) 535-2964 or tinaartho@gmail.com. I use Lamar Veterinary Clinic in Paris Texas (903) 784-4391 for all my Jacks and puppies needs.